How To Write Google BlogSpot Blog Post in Urdu Text?

The question “How To Write Google BlogSpot Blog Post in Urdu Text” is one of the most asked questions in many Urdu forums and Facebook groups. Because these platforms are built-in English language and nowadays many other famous languages are supported but if any language is not supported we have to add them in our own way.

Urdu is one of those languages that is spoken all over the world. And the blogging community of Urdu speakers is also huge and it is increasing day by day. That’s why feel this topic is very important to guide all those bloggers and readers and writers so they can easily type/write Urdu text in their blog posts without any hassle.

But starting with the actual topic there are some prerequisites that are important to know for all who want to write blog posts in Urdu, especially on Google BlogSpot.

What is Google BlogSpot?

Google BlogSpot is a free CMS system by Google that is totally free of cost to Sign-Up. BlogSpot allows users to create free blogs/websites in just a couple of hours. A premade template is also provided by Google which is easy to import and customize.

Why Type Blog Posts in Urdu Text?

As we already discussed that there are a Million people around the world who can read write and understand the Urdu language. And it is increasing.

The present Urdu Content creators are not enough and the demand is very high. So there is a huge potential if you are creating a blog in Urdu and start writing. You can easily monetize it with different sources and make a handsome amount of money online in 2022.

If you want to reach a mass audience who can understand the Urdu Language, start writing in Urdu today by creating a free blog on BlogSpot.

Is It Possible to Write A Blog Post in Urdu Using Mobile Phone?

Yes, it is possible to write a blog post in Urdu Language using a smartphone and many bloggers are there who are famous for blogging using their mobile phones only.

This actually shows their passion and dedication to blogging and making money online in 2022. So the simple answer is if someone else is doing then you can do it also.

How to Write Blog Posts in Urdu Using Mobile Phone?

When it comes to writing a blog post in Urdu Text there are two different types of users.

  1. Android Users
  2. IOS Users

#1- Andriod Users

To write a blog post in Urdu using a mobile phone, all you need is an Android Urdu Keyboard Application. Install any Android Application and you can start typing Urdu on your mobile phone.

To install an Urdu Keyboard on your Android phone go to the Google Play store and do a quick search for your desired app and install it.

#2- IOS Users

This is another type of user who is using Apple products. They can easily get the applications from App Store.

How to Start Writing Actual Blog Posts in Urdu?

To start writing a killer blog post that actually brings traffic to your website, you need to log in to your Gmail account on which you have created your blog.

Steps By Steps Guide

  • Log in to blogger
  • Go to posts. (You can find it on the left-hand side of the dashboard)
  • Click on create a new post
  • A text editor will be open where you can start writing.
  • Change your typing keyboard from English to Urdu which you have already installed
  • Start writing the blog post
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I'm a professional blogger and Digital Marketing Expert with 6 years of industry experience. When I am not working, I enjoy reading and traveling. Connect with me on Twitter