Why Computer Keyboards Are Not Arranged In Alphabetical Order?

Why Computer Keyboards Are Not Arranged In Alphabetical Order
Why Computer Keyboards Are Not Arranged In Alphabetical Order

Are you also curious to know like me, Why Computer keyboards are not arranged in Alphabetical Order? If you want to know the actual reason behind the arrangement of the keyborad keys on the keyboard you are at the right place. In this article, we are going to discuss and try to know the reason behind the computer keyboard keys arrangements.

Everything has a reason for it, and so is the fact that the keyboard is not in alphabetical order and is called QWERTY.

History of QWERTY Keyboard

The QWERTY Keyboard was introduced in the 1860s by Christopher Sholes (a newspaper editor living in Milwaukee, USA), who was also the inventor of the first modern typewriter.

When he first invented the typewriter, the characters were arranged in the standard Alphabet order, but when the user learned how to type quickly, the bars connected to the keys happened to get entangled, thus forcing have to manually remove the typing bars and reassemble, thereby often leaving marks on the text.

Later, James Densmore, a businessman who worked with Sholes, suggested repositioning the characters and creating pairs of commonly used percussion bars to speed up typing, and of course to avoid hitting the shaft at the same time. and stick together.

It took more than 5 years to study with Amos Densmore, brother of patron James Densmore. They rearranged the order of the letters on the keyboard into four rows and then sold the invention to E. Remington and Sons (a professional typewriter manufacturer).

After the acquisition, Remington made a few small changes, such as putting the letter R on the top row instead of a dot (.) to make it easier to type the phrase TYPE WRITER in the same row. From there, the QWERTY keyboard model is almost identical to the current keyboard model.

There Is Still A Lot Of Controversies About The Arrangement

How the arrangement of character images affects typing speed is still a controversial issue. Talking about the QWERTY keyboard, is said to be born to reduce typing speed to avoid key jams. Another source claims such a stacking will work when separating regular strings of English characters.

The second row of keys (ASDFGHJKL) can be considered a remnant of the old alphabet that QWERTY replaced. QWERTY allows one hand to type and the other hand to key position with no problem, but it also shows limitations with words that have to be typed with one hand like stewardesses, lollipops,s, and monopoly.

The original language in which the QWERTY keyboard was born in English, it is more left-handed with more than a thousand words typed only with the left hand, and with the right hand only a few hundred words.

Anyway, it is more convenient because the hand used to hold the mouse is mainly the right hand, so it does not affect the use process.

What Is The Reason For The QWERTY Keyboard To Exist?

By the time of the 1870s when the typewriter was invented and not long after the QWERTY keyboard was invented, the profession of hired typing had emerged and became a famous profession around the world. Because it has to be used too much for work, it is difficult for users to change their typing habits in a different arrangement.

The QWERTY Keyboard is not the most efficient because it is researched for every English language, so it is not optimal for many different languages. But it is because of the usage habits that the QWERTY keyboard is still trusted now.

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