How To Translate PDF Documents to Urdu Online?

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  • Post category:How To?
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Do you have PDF Documents and want to translate them into Urdu or any other language, and find an easy and free method to translate them?

In this post, we are sharing a completely free and easy method to translate PDF Documents online

These PDF documents can be anything like  University notes, personal documents, an eBook, etc. As we have already written multiple blog post guides on Online Translations. 

One of the widely used and perfect Online translation tools is Google Translator and it is offered by Google 100% free. 

For this blog post to translate PDF documents, we are again using Google Translator.  We will show a step-by-step guide with images, so you can follow all the steps to avoid any mistakes. 

Translate PDF Documents

Supported File/Documents Type by Google Translator

 To translate a document using Google Translator your file must be in the following formats, all below file formats are supported by the Google translator online tool. 

  • DOCX
  • PDF
  • PPTX
  • XLSX

What If You Don’t Have Files in These Formats?

As we mentioned the supported file formats above, sometimes it may happen that you don’t have the supported file format and still, want to translate. So you have to convert the file into a supported format and then upload it to the Google Translator tool for translation.

How To Change File Format Online?

The easiest way to convert file format is to do it online.  There are websites that offer free file converters online. A simple Google search can perform this task for you. 

How To Translate PDF Documents to Urdu Online Using Google Translator?

To translate PDF documents using Google Translator online to Urdu follow the below steps. 

  1. Go to Google 
  2. Type Google Translator and Search 
  3. Open the first link 
  4. Click on the document section in the main navigation bar
  5. Select and Upload the document from your local machine or google cloud
  6.  Select the desired language in which you want to translate the document in the right column
  7. Click on Translate Button, it will take a few seconds to complete the translation
  8. Once the translation is complete you can save the file again on your local machine
How To Translate PDF Documents

Key Features of Online PDF Translation Tool

  • Free to use
  • Fast and authentic output
  • Mobile app available
  • Easy to Use
  • User friendly
  • Beginners friendly
  • A lot of tutorial resources are available 
  • Backed by Google
  • Translate large files

Final Words

We ended up with this detailed guide on “How to translate PDF Documents Online” here. You can follow all the above steps to translate files fast. To get accurate translation use the Google Translation Online Tool trusted by millions of people around the world.

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I'm a professional blogger and Digital Marketing Expert with 6 years of industry experience. When I am not working, I enjoy reading and traveling. Connect with me on Twitter