Online Earning in Pakistan: Top Legit Ways (Zero Investment)

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Online Earning in Pakistan
Online Earning in Pakistan

Online Earning is one of the most debated topics among youth, students, job holders, housewives, and University and college students in Pakistan nowadays. Making Money Online is possible in 2022 and Million of people are making a handsome amount of money online by staying at home using different methods.

Today in this post we are going to share some legit and real ways, in which you will learn “How To Make Money Online in Pakistan?”

Making Money Online is not impossible and it becomes quite easy if you are aware and have the right knowledge and use that knowledge on the right platform. This blog post will do both for you if you do have not enough knowledge about ” how to make money online in Pakistan”.

Why We Are Discussing Online Earning Topics Here on Our Blog?

I know it is sudden and we are writing on this topic. The reason is we are getting tons and tons of messages from our valuable readers and they want to know about “How To Make Real Money Online in 2022”?

Most of the people who are sending us queries are inspired by this blog because they know how we are making money from this blog using Google AdSense, a Google Partner Program.

We will discuss Google AdSense in detail later in this blog post. So bear with us.

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15 Real Ways Of Online Earning in Pakistan 2022

  1. Blogging
  2. Affiliate Marketing
  3. Freelancing
  4. Social Media Influencers
  5. Selling Online Course
  6. Sell Stock Photos Online
  7. Surveys
  8. YouTube Channel
  9. Facebook Content Creator Reels Videos
  10. Sell Spare Bedroom on Airbnb
  11. Buy and Sell Old Mobile Phones on OLX
  12. Publish an ebook
  13. Create an App and monetize it
  14. Become an Online tutor
  15. Buy and Sell Domain Names

#1- Blogging (My Personal Favourite)

Online Earning is possible in Pakistan if you are a blogger.

But you might have this question in your mind, How to Start A Blog? We have already written a detailed post on this topic which you can read for more reference.

Let’s get back to the main topic.

Blogging is one of the well-known ways to make money online. There are more than 600 Million blogs live on the internet today. All these blogs are run by bloggers like me and me.

How To Make Money Online With Blogging?

There are many ways bloggers can make money from their blogs. Below are the famous method of online earning via blogging.

  • Google AdSense
  • Promoting Affiliate Products
  • Sponsored Post
  • Selling Banner Space on Blog

How To Monetize A Blog and Make Money Online With Google AdSense?

Google AdSense is one of the best and easy methods to monetize a blog in a very short period of time. You can see Google AdSense Ads on this blog also. Our blog is also monetized with the same Google Partner program.

To show ads by Google on a blog you have to approval first from AdSense.

Tips and Tricks For AdSense Approval on Blog

  1. High-Quality Unique Content
  2. Create About Us, Contact Us, Privacy Policy, DMCA, Terms and Condition Pages
  3. Use copyright-free images
  4. Publish a minimum of 30 1k+ words count unique articles
  5. Customize your blog to make it a professional look
  6. Use a clean and lightweight theme
  7. Domain age must be a minimum of one month old
  8. Submit website to Google Search Console
  9. Make sure your posts are indexed by Google
  10. Try to get some organic traffic for fast Google AdSense approval

Once you have completed all the above requirements apply for Google AdSense Approval.

#2- Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is the 2nd number online earning method on our list.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

According to Wikipedia, Affiliate Marketing is defined as:

Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate’s own marketing efforts.

In simple words, Affiliate Marketing is a process of promoting and selling third-party products through various sources. And the promoter can get a commission on each sale. The commission rate is vary based on the price of the product that is being promoted.

Best Ways To Promote Affiliate Products

  1. Website/Blog
  2. YouTube Videos
  3. Instagram
  4. Pinterest
  5. Reddit
  6. Quora

There are unlimited ways of promoting affiliate products, but the above are the 6 best ways to promote an affiliate product.

How To Make Money Online Through Affiliate Marketing in Pakistan?

To make money online in Pakistan through Affiliate Marketing you have to promote affiliate products through any of the above means.

Creating a blog and promoting affiliate products is the most widely used method.

Highest Paying Affiliate Programs To Join

  • Amazon Affiliate
  • Promoting Web Hostings
  • Promoting Digital Marketing Tools
  • Promoting Online Courses
  • Promoting Click Bank Products
  • CJ Affiliate
  • Promote WordPress Themes and Plugin

The list is unlimited. You can choose any affiliate program according to the niche you have chosen to blog.

#3- Freelancing

Freelancing is a terms commonly used for a person who is self-employed and not necessarily committed to a particular employer long-term

Freelancing is another method of online earning in Pakistan without investment for students.

Freelancing is a quick method to make kitchen money. In Pakistan, freelancing is at its peak.

Pakistan is now No-2 in Freelancing in the world.

Best Freelancing Platforms to Start


If you are a student and want to earn some bucks to pay your fee or to fulfill your expenses freelancing is one of the best methods to make money online.

#4- Social Media Influencers

Become a social media influencer in 2022 if you want to make money online. Yes, it is a legit way to make money from home.

What are Social Media Influencers?

Social Media Influencers are those people who built a strong reputation on social media by their knowledge and expertise in any specific niche. They generate content on regular basis to stay connected to their followers.

Types of Social Media Influencers

Social Media influencers can be differentiated by the following.

By Follower Numbers

  • Mega-Influencers
  • Macro-Influencers
  • Micro-Influencers
  • Nano-Influencers

By Types of Content

  • Bloggers
  • YouTubers
  • Podcasters

#5- Selling Online Course

Selling Online Courses is also the best way to make money online from Pakistan or anywhere. If you are an expert in any skill you can sell that skill online to anyone.

Nowadays there are hundreds of ways to sell courses online. You can make your own website record videos and publish them on your website. And make it available to the world as a paid course.

If you do not want to create your own website there is another way to sell online courses to make money online.

Websites like Udemy, Skillshare, and Coursera allow creators to make videos and publish them on their websites. Students purchase and the platform will take a small amount of commission.

The second method is good if you just want to record videos and upload them. There is no need to advertise your course by you. You can do it if you want but not necessary. Because these platforms have a big budget for marketing, they have students from all over the world.

#6- Sell Stock Photos Online

Want to earn more money online? Take your camera and start taking some awesome photographs and sell them online.

A website like iStockphots and many other platforms is there for you to share your pictures with the world and get the price on each download.

Yes, selling Stock images online is best for those professionals who are in the field of photography and videography. Because they usually take images and all they have to do is create an account on such platforms get approved and start selling photos.

This online business idea is also best for Pakistani nationals because we know Pakistan is full of natural beauties and landscapes which are loved by people around the world. If you take such landscapes you sell them online. And if you do not want to sell them on such stock image websites you can personally pitch to travel and tour-based websites and blogs and provide them pictures on regular basis and work with them just like a freelancer.

#7- Surveys

This is not a passive online income stream but you can make a few bucks based on how much effort you are putting into this. All you have to do is filling survey forms online and get a commission on each complete survey.

This is not recommended for advanced users or those who have proper skills. They can even earn more online. This is recommended only for beginners so they can make some bucks quickly.

#8- YouTube Channel (My Favourite Online Money-Making Method)

This is my personal second favorite method for making money online in 2022-2023. Also, this is one of the most famous methods now.

Becoming a YouTube Creator can make you successful in life. This is the passive online income stream if you have a good amount of followers and viewers on YouTube.

Creating a YouTube channel is very easy and there is no need for any technical knowledge in the beginning, but yes, to make videos professional you must have knowledge about videography, photo editing, and video editing. Or you can hire someone to make and edit videos for you.

If you want to make money online I strongly recommend you start YouTube today. There is no restriction on choosing topics unless you are not violating and choosing such a topic which is against YouTube community guidelines.

There are a few categories in which you cannot publish videos on YouTube, even if you publish you cant monetize them.

So before choosing a topic read YouTube Community Guideline once.

#9- Facebook Content Creator Reels Videos

Facebook is now officially launched monetization services in Pakistan. Before it was not enabled in Pakistan and many other countries.

Now creators can make money online from home through FaceBook.

All you have to do is create high-quality videos, complete all requirements and eligibilities, and apply for monetization.

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I'm a professional blogger and Digital Marketing Expert with 6 years of industry experience. When I am not working, I enjoy reading and traveling. Connect with me on Twitter