Urdu Keyboard Tester Online -Test Keys 100% Free

Keyboard Tester
Urdu Keyboard Tester

Urdu Keyboard Tester is a tool through which you can check whether your computer and laptop keyboard keys working or not. It is annoying for us if any key on our keyboard stops working while doing an important task.

We may get confused and try to check through different methods.

To solve such an issue we are writing this How-To Guide for Urdu Keyboard Tester’.

What Kind of Issue With Keyboard Face By Users?

Normally we see such issues in which one or more keys on a computer/laptop stop working.

Reasons for Computer/Laptop Keyboard Keys Stop Working?

There are many reasons for keyboard keys stop working. Below is the list of the most common reasons for keyboard failures.

  1. Falling into water
  2. Kids play with computers/laptop
  3. Hit with any heavy thing
  4. Fell down from your hand

Importance of Using Keyboard Tester

The importance of using a keyboard tester can not be avoided if you are a regular computer user. Because the Keyboard is the most important component of a computer through which we can type and give the command to the machine and the machine perform those command for the user.

If the keyboard is not working then the machine is just like a paralyzed human being who cannot perform any task.

If you need to work with computers then it is necessary to have a working keyboard always with you to do the tasks on time and avoid any kind of disturbance.

Here I am listing the importance of using a Keyboard Tester before and after buying a keyboard.

  • Save Time
  • Save Money
  • Save Effort

How to Save Time With Keyboard Tester?

Well, Keyboard Testers can easily save tons of time for a user.

Let’s try to understand this with an example. If you are using a keyboard that is not tested before buying.

What happens if it will stop working while you are doing an important task?

Obviously, it will disturb you and waste a lot of time for you to replace it with a new Keyboard or again which key on the keyboard is not working.

But on the other hand, if you test all the keys on the keyboard before buying there are more chances you may not face such an issue.

You can do a quick keyboard test using the Online Keyboard Tester free of cost.

How to Save Money With Keyboard Tester?

Well, just like a keyboard tester saves you time, it will also save you money. Before you are going to buy a new keyboard you can test which key is not working properly and you can try to fix it instead of buying a brand new keyboard.

Buying a new keyboard will cost you more expensive as compared to fixing the old one. And you can easily save some bucks.

How to Save Effort With Keyboard Tester?

Another major benefit of using a keyboard tester is, that it saves a lot of effort for you. If you already checked and test the keyboard then there is no need to go for a replacement. No need to do an effort for fixing it at all.

How To Check Keyboard Manually and Offline?

You can check all the keys on your keyboard without going online to an internet connection. It is an easy method and anyone can try this method to make sure that all the keys are working properly.

Keyboard Tester While Typing on Notepad

Yes, you can check using notepad software which comes with all Windows operating systems. There is no need to install any kind of third-party application.

Follow this step-by-step guide to performing a keyboard test manually.

  1. On your keyboard press the window keys or type notepad
  2. Open notepad
  3. Start typing all the characters on the keyboard
  4. Notice all keys are working properly

If you are noticing any character missing on the screen it means that a specific key is not working and you have to fix that one.

FAQs About Keyboard Tester

How many keys are there on a computer keyboard?

If you are a computer user you may know that there are hundreds of keyboard designs available in the market and on the internet online for sale. And each of them has a different number of keys for different purposes. So we can not give a fixed number here but if we can talk about the standard keyboard then there are 101 keys in a keyboard.

What are the shortcut keys to “Copy and Paste” using a keyboard?

  • To copy Press “Ctrl +  C”
  • And to paste “Ctrl + V”

How to perform an online keyboard test fast and for free?

There are many websites on the internet providing free services for keyboard testing. Google using the keyword “Keyboard Tester Online” can solve your issue.

How to perform a keyboard test if there is no internet connection?

Yeah, it is possible and in most cases, we saw this issue. So we have already given the solution to this in the above paragraph. You can easily perform a keyboard test offline.

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